Press Reports, Forums and Comments Sections
Altar Boy Reveals Grim Details
NEW YORK DAILY - NEWS 28th February 2014
Catholic Church haunted by catalogue of child abuse scandals
DAILY RECORD - 11th September 2012
Catholic priests are accused of sexually abusing children at school for deaf
DAILY MAIL - 23rd December 2016
Catholic priest sexually abused young boy to the extent victim 'prayed for death'
Abuse and rape at hands of Catholic priest led to years of dysfunction and addiction
THE AGE - 18h May 2015
'He was a monster': how priest child abuse tore apart Pennsylvania towns
THE GUARDIAN - 8th March 2016
Geoghan preferred preying on poorer children
THE BOSTON GLOBE - 1st July 2002
Pope Francis: 'One in 50' Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is a paedophile
THE INDEPENDENT - 13th July 2014
Abuse at a deaf school: 'I screamed at night, but no one could hear me'
THE JOURNAL - 8th October 2015
Victims of historic sexual abuse at deaf school speak about their ordeal
BBC NEWS ONLINE - 5th November 2015
Tears for judge as victim tells of sex abuse by Catholic priest
HERALD SUN - 16th October 2013
Read My Story
RISE - 29th April 2014
Alleged Victims Speak Out About Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priest
WNEP 2nd March 2016
See "Arizona" comment 3rd March 2016 at 2:12 am